Secret Underground “X-Treme Fetish” Amazing Club PartyPlayers Lelystad
** The Only Fetish Party Without Restrictions **
***** X-TREME FETISH ******
**** SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY **** *
All-In Concept includes drinks, fingerfood, parking, XL Lockers (€10 cash deposit get back when you leave)
This swingers lifestyle club will transform into a sexually fetish experience. We will do everything we can to create this tension in our unique dark location, to explore all your fetish fantasies. Sexy uplifting solid techno music, provided by our DJ performers, who are familiar with the erotic / fetish scene. Fetish shows were also thought of, without taking the flow out of the party, but even strengthening the entire sexual experience. If you are full of this sexual experience, then you can go one step further, to the specially equipped multiple playrooms, darkrooms, slings and whirlpools, to make your wildest fantasies come true. After all the effort you can retire to the stylish lounge Area.
==== DJ LINEUP ====
* MAIN AREA * The Cave
* Mr & Mrs Secret
* Mep Stones
* Ko-C
* Emiel Roché
* Eric van Kleef
* Iwan
* Entertainment and Mistresses ★ Naty & Rachelle
====== DRESSCODE ======
Rubber, leather, pvc, latex, lak, plastic, cross-dress, metal, taping, fetish-glam, medical, fetish-goth, body art, incognito masks, original uniform, Luxury Lingerie combined with leather ! No Street Clothes ! *The dress code is checked by our door bitches their decision is final. * Respect the dress code, no money back if the dress code is not complied with. *No (telephone) cameras allowed, ( if use is observed, this means immediate seizure.)
*Kleding leveranciers tijdens “X-Treme Fetish” edities: –
SU introduceert “Garantie Tickets”: Om onze bezoekers niet op hoge kosten te jagen.. Betaal je een gedeelte van de Ticketprijs online en de rest aan de deur. Dit geeft de garantie om deel te nemen aan een event die uiteindelijk uitverkocht is
Garantie TICKET P.P. “X-Treme Fetish” SDC ACTIE TICKETS:
1e Gar Early-Bird……. € 14,95 –
1e Gar Regular………. € 19,95 –
1e Gar Lastminute…. € 24,95 –
1e Gar Limited Man.. € 34,95 (beperkt en selectief)
* Plus Verplicht 2e deel garantie ticket €39,95 p.p. bij de entree.
* All-In: onbeperkt Premium drank, fingerfood, locker en parkeren
Wij adviseren onderstaande Hotels Kamer v.a. €102,00 (Multi Language) Addicted to Sensual, The Feeling, The People, The Sound..